A reflected decision in five steps

The Entscheidungsnavi guides you to a reflected decision in five steps. You will learn in detail what should be considered in this process and thereby train your decision-making competence.

The Entscheidungsnavi is an open-source project, which will be supported by the Förderverein Reflektiert Entscheiden. The Entscheidungsnavi is freely available for everyone. However, we appreciate if interested users support the association by donations or even an active membership

The Entscheidungsnavi is a vital tool in our work with clients when it comes to conflicting objectives. The simple illustration of individual trade-offs between the different objectives of a company enables a quick and transparent identification of objective weights. The possibility of checking these trade-offs and the methodological robustness of the results creates an unprecedented acceptance of recommendations in business decisions. (translated)

Dr. Mark Seidler

Never before have I dealt with it in such depth and really questioned what goals I was actually pursuing. (translated)

Felix O.


The tool is designed in such a way that even users without knowledge of decision theory can operate it without any problems. (translated)

Philip B.


A lot of our students wonder which path is suitable for their private and professional future. It is a question of values, contributions to the society and a fulfilling life. We recommend the Entscheidungsnavi as a structured and intelligent companion for well-founded and transparent decision making. Once all the steps have been completed, the tool is unmatched in assessing decisions with uncertainties and conflicting goals. (translated)

Dr. Patrick Cettier

Department Management, Technology, and Economics
ETH Zürich

It definitely makes sense to use the Navi before making any important decisions. (translated)

Karin M.


I found it very fascinating how detailed a decision can be analyzed. (translated) 

Lorenz S.


The Entscheidungsnavi helps us to develop the solution space for our clients with complex business decisions and to cover it completely with alternatives. In this phase there are many “Aha-moments” because important aspects are being uncovered that were not considered before. This creates a high level of trust in the methodology among clients and ultimately a good feeling that they have found the right decision. (translated)

Dr. Sinan Perin

Managing Director
marenas consulting

It definitely makes sense to use the Navi before making any important decisions. (translated)

Lena M.


The Entscheidungsnavi has shown me a structured process that is logical and easy to follow. (translated)

Kerstin C.


Your decision-making is a critical life skill, as the only purposeful way that you can influence anything in your life is by your decisions. As with other skills, you need to learn the basic elements of decision-making and practice using them to become a smart decision-maker. The Entscheidungsnavi is a great tool to learn these skills and practice using them. Make a smart decision now to use the Entscheidungsnavi to improve your decision-making skills.

Prof. Ralph L. Keeney

Author of „Give Yourself a Nudge“
San Francisco

With the Navi I have learned to look at decision questions as opportunities and not problems. (translated)

Arian K.


The Entscheidungsnavi has helped me structure jumbled thoughts. (translated) 

Friedrich L.


Using the Entscheidungsnavi in the scope of our consultation projects on potential has enabled us to change our perspective so that we could deal with the fundamental values of the company and make well-founded decisions. The Entscheidungsnavi has given us room for creative approaches without losing the structure. (translated)

Norbert Zimmermann

Managing Director
Lebenshilfe Aachen Werkstätten & Service GmbH

Before using the Entscheidungsnavi I didn’t know that you can make a decision so thoughtfully and deliberately. (translated)

Linus L.


I would recommend any fellow student to use the Entscheidungsnavi. (translated)

Nathalie H.


I have looked at many software products that aim to help in reaching better decisions. The Entscheidungsnavi hits the mark in guiding the user to reaching a good decision. It forces one to reflect on all the core aspects of a decision and then assists in the reasoning to find the best choice. I use it as a decision tool and a platform for teaching decision skills.

Dr. Carl Spetzler

Author of the Book “Decision Quality: Value Creation from Better Business Decisions”
Menlo Park California

Entscheidungsnavi has changed my basic attitude towards my professional career. (translated)

Constantin C.


The tool is designed in such a way that even users without knowledge of decision theory can operate it without any problems. (translated)

Miles K.


The Entscheidungsnavi is a helpful tool for structuring complex decisions and breaking them down into sensible, manageable work packages. Especially for people with little experience in dealing with complex decisions, the tool helps to make well-founded decisions quickly and sustainably. (translated)

Bruno Klein

Leiter Personal
FC Köln GmbH & Co. KGaA

I am now equipped with the appropriate tools for future decisions. (translated)

Luca B.


The Entscheidungsnavi has helped me a lot in my decision-making situation. (translated)

Dominik B.


Recognizing opportunity in decision problems

In many decisions, we only react to a problem. We think too narrowly, see only the obvious and do not recognize that we can achieve much more.

In the first step, the Entscheidungsnavi supports you with a guided reflection of your fundamental values and some impulse questions to formulate a decision statement that gives you more opportunities.

Reflective decision-making means understanding objectives

Too often, when we make decisions, we give too little thought to what exactly we want to achieve. But isn’t achieving certain objectives the only reason why we make decisions?

In the second step, the Entscheidungsnavi supports you with many tips and tools to identify the objectives that are important to you – so that you can choose the right path to achieving them.

Creative alternatives

When thinking about alternatives, we also tend to focus on the obvious and thereby miss promising opportunities.

In the third step, the Entscheidungsnavi helps you identify the less obvious alternatives using creativity techniques. In doing this you should not only rely on your own thoughts, instead you should also ask friends and acquaintances for good ideas so that no opportunity is missed.

What are the consequences of your alternatives?

We are all prone to psychological effects that lead to mistakes in estimations and prognoses.

In the fourth step, the Entscheidungsnavi provides multiple tips to overcome these psychological effects and avoid typical mistakes. Additionally, a clear table representation creates a good overview of the decision situation with all the alternatives.

Does it feel right?

If the results of the analysis do not match your gut feeling, you should reflect more.

In the fifth step, the Entscheidungsnavi helps you find out why the result does not feel correct by using different evaluation techniques. Only when your head and gut are in harmony will you implement your decision.

If you want to find out more about the many different functions of the Entscheidungsnavi, you can download our white paper with further explanations.

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